US FCC Proposes to Regulate AI-Generated Calls and Protect Consumers

TapTechNews August 9th news, the ability of AI to 'imitate' human voices is becoming increasingly mature, and some users have begun to be unable to judge whether the speaker is a human or an AI with the first reaction. Currently, AI-generated voices are increasingly used in voice calls, such as in the fields of advertising or marketing.

According to TechRadar's report today Beijing time, the Federal Communications Commission of the United States (TapTechNews note: hereinafter referred to as the FCC) is trying to crack down on some illegal acts and malicious intents of using AI-generated call voices, and has proposed a proposal aiming to strengthen the protection of consumers and protect them from the encroachment of 'undesired' AI automated calls.

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The FCC's plan will help 'define' AI-generated calls and text messages, so that the commission can set boundaries and rules, such as mandatorily requiring AI-generated voices to disclose their AI identity when making calls.

The background of the FCC's proposal is that AI begins to be used in some 'less proper' communication activities. At the same time, this will also be one of the FCC's efforts to combat 'AI automated calls' as harassment and fraud means. The proposal will require the caller to disclose the AI-generated voice and text, and at the beginning of the call, the AI must explain what it 'says' and the artificial source of the voice it uses. It is reported that any organization that fails to comply with this regulation will be severely punished.

In addition to tracing the identity of 'AI automated calls', the FCC also hopes to launch a tool that can issue a reminder when people receive AI-generated phone voices and text messages, especially for those undesired or illegal contents. According to reports, this tool may include more powerful call filters, AI-based detection algorithms, or enhanced caller ID functions to identify and mark AI-generated calls.
