XPeng's He Xiaopeng to Release Autonomous Driving Report

TapTechNews June 24th, according to CaiLianNews report, an insider from XPeng Motors revealed today that CEO He Xiaopeng is about to release a report on the autonomous driving experience of Tesla and Waymo.

On June 20th, He Xiaopeng stated on social media that he evaluated the latest version of Tesla FSD and Waymo autonomous driving vehicles during his stay in the US. On the same day, an overseas blogger certified as a Tesla investor said that He Xiaopeng personally experienced Tesla's latest autonomous driving system FSD V12.3.6 during his visit to the US and disclosed that this software is expected to enter the Chinese market this year.

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 XPengs He Xiaopeng to Release Autonomous Driving Report_1

Elon Musk left a comment under the tweet, saying, So far, Chinese automakers are the most competitive.

In addition, as reported by TapTechNews previously, He Xiaopeng also posted in his WeChat Moments in April this year, saying that he particularly welcomes Tesla FSD to enter China. He believes that Tesla has very good autonomous driving technology and brand. Only when more good products and technologies enter can the entire market and customers have more good experiences and make the market develop more良性 and accelerate. Moreover, China is now vigorously promoting openness + new-quality productive forces. I think whether it's Tesla's FSD, XPeng's NGP, or the NOA of other competitors, these are all representatives of new-quality productive forces and should support the blooming of a hundred flowers.

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