Security Researcher Discovers Massive Apple Internal Files from Used Devices

TapTechNews August 13th news, Wired posted a blog on August 10th, reporting that security researcher Matthew Bryant, after purchasing a used Apple Time Capsule on the eBay platform, unexpectedly discovered a large number of internal files of Apple Inc.

Security Researcher Discovers Massive Apple Internal Files from Used Devices_0

It is reported that Bryant purchased a used Apple Time Capsule from the UK at a price of 38 US dollars (plus 40 US dollars for shipping), and discovered a 'treasure trove of data', including copies of the main backup servers of all Apple Stores in Europe in the 2010s, which contain service tickets, employee bank account data, internal company documents and emails and other information.

After viewing the contents of the Time Capsule, Bryant notified Apple Inc. of his findings, and the company's security office in London eventually demanded that he return this Time Capsule. Apple Inc. did not immediately respond to WIRED's request to comment on Bryant's investigation.

Bryant also purchased an iPhone 14 prototype used internally by Apple for 165 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 1184 Chinese yuan) from the second-hand market, and a MacMini suspected to be from the Foxconn quality inspection production line, these devices contain a large amount of internal information and credentials of Apple Inc. and Foxconn.
