Apple Launches 'Help Me Choose' Page on US Website

TapTechNews June 19, a brand new 'Help Me Choose' web page was launched on Apple's official website today (not available on Apple's China website for the time being), aiming to help potential users choose the most suitable Mac computer for themselves. This page will ask users several simple questions and then recommend the most appropriate Mac model according to the users' needs.

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'Help Me Choose' will ask users how they plan to use the Mac, the key functions required for daily work, whether there are creative work needs, portability needs, the usage situation of external devices and the budget and a series of questions. Apple's intelligent algorithm will take all these factors into consideration, not only recommending the basic configured model, but also suggesting users to upgrade the memory and storage space as needed, and providing alternative options for users with a slightly looser budget.

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Users can find the 'Help Me Choose' page in the Mac section of Apple's US official website, the specific path is 'Compare Models' or 'Buy Mac' - 'Buying Guide', but TapTechNews noticed that this page is not available on the Apple's China website for the time being.
