Hangzhou Districts Launch New Round of Car Purchase Subsidies for 2024

TapTechNews May 12 news, TapTechNews learned from the WeChat public account 'Hangzhou Release' on May 12, Recently, Xiaoshan District and Linping District in Hangzhou launched a new round of car purchase subsidies for 2024, with a total subsidy amount of 70 million yuan (approximately 11 million US dollars).

Specific subsidy details are as follows:

Xiaoshan District

1. Implementation time: During the period from April 26 to June 30, 2024, Xiaoshan District added an additional 50 million yuan to the original 30 million yuan subsidy for automobile consumption in the second quarter. The application rules refer to the 'Xiaoshan District Second Quarter Automobile Consumption Subsidy Distribution Plan', first come, first served, while supplies last! The online application through the Proximity System will start at 9:00 am on May 13, 2024.

2. Total subsidy amount: 50 million yuan (until depleted)

3. Subsidy standards:

1. For vehicle prices (excluding related taxes and fees, the same below) between 10,000 yuan (inclusive) and 20,000 yuan, the subsidy is 2,000 yuan;

2. For prices between 20,000 yuan (inclusive) and 30,000 yuan, the subsidy is 4,000 yuan;

3. For prices above 30,000 yuan, the subsidy is 6,000 yuan.

Linping District

1. Implementation time: During the period from April 23 to June 30, 2024, individuals or units who purchase new energy vehicles or fuel vehicles (including hybrid vehicles) that meet the national six or higher emission standards below 7 seats in the confirmed list of enterprises in Linping District. Each individual or unit is limited to a subsidy for 1 vehicle.

2. Total subsidy amount: 20 million yuan

3. Subsidy standards:

1. For vehicle prices between 10,000 yuan (inclusive) and 20,000 yuan, the subsidy is 2,000 yuan;

2. For prices between 20,000 yuan (inclusive) and 30,000 yuan, the subsidy is 4,000 yuan;

3. For prices above 30,000 yuan, the subsidy is 6,000 yuan.
