Tesla's FSD Outperforms Mercedes DrivePilot in Driving Assistance Competition

TapTechNews May 12 news, recently Tesla's FSD and Mercedes-Benz's driving assistance system had a competition, with surprising results. Although the Mercedes DrivePilot system has obtained L3 level autonomous driving certification on specific roads in the United States, its daily driving assistance functions are far inferior to Tesla's FSD.

Earlier, Consumer Reports rated the Mercedes driving assistance system as superior to Tesla's FSD (Supervised). Similar to Lexus's previous ranking in the assisted driving system, Mercedes' advantage lies in its ability to better keep drivers focused and respond in a timely manner, as well as to remind drivers when it is safe to use the system.

However, a recent comparison test video has overturned this perception. In the video, the Mercedes driving assistance system made a series of low-level errors during driving, such as deviating from the road or mistaking a turning lane for a straight lane. These problems have also occurred in early versions of Tesla's FSD, but the current tested FSDv12 version requires no driver intervention throughout the process.

TapTechNews noticed that the video showed Mercedes drivers having to take over the vehicle 44 times to avoid accidents, while Tesla's FSD performed significantly better. It is worth mentioning that Mercedes' system uses additional sensors such as LiDAR, while Tesla achieves such results relying solely on camera vision systems (TeslaVision).

Elon Musk also watched the test video and said Tesla is at least 5 years ahead.
