Didi Chuxing Releases Statement on Disputes Caused by Pet-Bringing

TapTechNews May 28, it was reported that recently there were two incidents of disputes between Didi drivers and passengers in Jilin and Daqing due to passengers bringing pets on board. Tonight, @Didi Chuxing released a statement on the disputes caused by passengers bringing pets.

Didi Chuxing said that in order to balance the demands of drivers and passengers to the greatest extent, according to the existing rules of the platform, we have reminded and persuaded the passenger behavior in the two incidents. At the same time, in the dispute in Daqing, because the passenger had uncivilized and disrespectful behaviors such as abusing and beating the driver, according to the platform safety rules, the platform refused to provide travel service for the passenger within 22 days. According to the platform rules, as a service provider, the driver should protect the passenger's privacy and is not allowed to film the passenger; when the driver encounters disputes, he can film for evidence but not post it for infringement. For the behavior of the drivers in the two disputes filming videos and spreading them, the platform has educated and communicated with the drivers. In addition, in the two disputes, thanks to the two drivers for being as rational and restrained as possible. The platform has issued a 'mooth subsidy' to the driver masters, hoping that they can receive orders smoothly and comfortably in the future.

Didi Chuxing also said that according to the platform rules, before passengers bring pets on board, they should negotiate with the driver in advance by making phone calls or through the in-app driver-passenger conversation bar, and get the driver's consent before boarding. In order to avoid affecting the travel experience of other passengers, passengers bringing pets are not allowed to choose carpooling, otherwise the driver or other passengers have the right to refuse their ride. In order to better serve pet owners and reduce driver-passenger disputes, Didi Zhuanche has launched a dedicated 'travel with pets' service in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou, and will also be promoted to more cities as soon as possible. In addition, Didi supports visually impaired people to bring guide dogs on board, and the driver is not allowed to refuse to pick up.

TapTechNews attached the full text as follows:

 Didi Chuxing Releases Statement on Disputes Caused by Pet-Bringing_0
