Apple's ProjectBlackPearl Enhancing Mail Applications in iOS 18 and macOS 15

TapTechNews June 7th news, the tech media AppleInsider released a blog post yesterday, exposing that Apple is internally developing the ProjectBlackPearl project, mainly enhancing the mail application in iOS 18 and macOS 15 systems, enabling the AI to help users write and reply to mails.

 Apples ProjectBlackPearl Enhancing Mail Applications in iOS 18 and macOS 15_0

TapTechNews sorts out the related content as follows:

Enhanced Search

The ProjectBlackPearl project first enhances the mail search results and will display more information from the address book, location, and locally stored documents.

 Apples ProjectBlackPearl Enhancing Mail Applications in iOS 18 and macOS 15_1

Smart Replies

In addition, a SmartReplies (SmartReplies) feature is added to the mail application, which will give an appropriate reply content based on the locally running large language model (LLM) Ajax combined with the context of the mail.

Writing Mails

The mail application will also introduce a system-level writing tool framework, which can write mails through Siri. This framework is obviously already included in the pre-release versions of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15.

 Apples ProjectBlackPearl Enhancing Mail Applications in iOS 18 and macOS 15_2

It is said that when the AI writes mails, different tones and styles can be selected. For example, if users want the text to sound less casual, they can ask Siri to make this text more professional.

Other Functions

The mail application can automatically categorize e-mails, summarize the main contents of the mails, and conduct notification summaries according to the themes, etc.

 Apples ProjectBlackPearl Enhancing Mail Applications in iOS 18 and macOS 15_3
