Xiaomi Automobile Recruiting Workers, Setting 2024 Delivery Goals

On the morning of June 7, Sina Tech learned from the human resources service provider of Xiaomi Automobile that after setting the goal of delivering 120,000 new cars in 2024, the Xiaomi Automobile factory is recruiting a large number of workers, offering a monthly salary of up to 10,000 Chinese yuan (equivalent to about $1,400) and a 13-month salary at the end of the year and other treatment conditions.

At the 2024 Future Automobile Pioneers Conference a few days ago, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group, revealed that the first month of Xiaomi Automobile had locked orders for 88,000 units, exceeding expectations. The delivery volume of Xiaomi SU7 in the first month, that is, April this year, reached 7,058 units, and the delivery volume in May was 8,630 units. Lei Jun also said that starting from June, the Xiaomi Automobile factory will operate in two shifts to ensure that the monthly delivery volume exceeds 10,000 units in June. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the delivery of 100,000 units throughout the year and strive for the goal of delivering 120,000 units.

In order to ensure the completion of this delivery goal, many service providers are recruiting workers for the Xiaomi Automobile factory.

According to a service provider, because it is the first launch of new cars and the order volume is sufficient, a large number of general workers are now recruited, and the salary will only increase and not decrease. The specific treatment is the basic salary + performance + meal allowance + night allowance + overtime pay for more than 8 hours. The basic salary on weekdays is 1.5 times, double on Saturdays and Sundays, and triple on legal holidays. The comprehensive monthly salary is about 8,000 Chinese yuan (equivalent to about $1,100), and the maximum can reach up to 10,000 Chinese yuan. In addition, there is also a 13-month salary at the end of the year, payment of five insurances after becoming a regular employee, and welfare policies such as high temperature subsidies, and even 500-800 Chinese yuan can be prepaid weekly.

However, due to the great pressure of production and delivery, the workers in the Xiaomi Automobile factory also need to work for a longer time, working 10-11 hours a day, working in two shifts and taking one day off after working for six days. The recruitment is fast and there is no need for a physical examination. You can arrange accommodation after coming for an interview on the same day, and there is a cafeteria for meals. Now if you join and work until the end of the year, the year-end bonus starts at 10,000 Chinese yuan, and it is expected to get 10,000-30,000 Chinese yuan. The person said.

Due to the urgent recruitment of workers, the recruitment of the Xiaomi Automobile factory is also relatively loose, and there is no requirement for educational qualifications and specific experience. The work positions are arranged in the general assembly workshop, welding workshop, painting workshop, body workshop, battery workshop, fully automated workshop and so on. To meet the personnel demand, some service providers even recruit daily workers, and the daily salary is 275-300 Chinese yuan per day.

Sina Tech saw on the Xiaomi Automobile App that the current production capacity of Xiaomi SU7 is still very tight. After locking the order of SU7 and SU7Pro, it is expected to be delivered in 28-31 weeks, and after locking the order of SU7Max, it is expected to be delivered in 33-36 weeks. It will take up to 8 months later, that is, it will be able to pick up the car at the beginning of next year. Xiaomi Automobile also announced recently that since June 5, the hesitation period for locking the order after the big order has been shortened from 7 days to 3 days to speed up the rhythm of locking the order and production.
