Huawei Releases HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Beta3 with New Features and Updates

TapTechNews August 4th news, Huawei has now released HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Beta3, which is a Beta trial version for developers. According to the introduction, on the basis of Beta2, Beta3 adds multi-channel sending and receiving data such as WLAN and mobile network, and the automatic error correction function of Xiaoyi Input Method.

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The update log is as follows:

New Version Functions

This update optimizes the online experience, enhances the scanning code and video playback experience in some scenarios, and at the same time, the Xiaoyi Input Method adds an automatic error correction function, and it is recommended that you update.


Supports simultaneous sending and receiving data in multiple channels such as WLAN and mobile network to improve the online experience


Improves the quality and color reproduction of images, making the images clearer and more delicate, and enhancing the video playback experience.

Enhances the scanning code experience in some scenarios

The Xiaoyi Input Method supports the automatic error correction function

According to the feedback from some updated users, the Beta3 version enables a new boot animation, and the small white bar adds a single-click return function, and functions such as HiCar, intelligent perception payment/code scanning, and satellite communication return.

In addition, Huawei Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT Beta version's third batch of pioneer user recruitment, with 30,000 places. After the new batch of pioneer users successfully register, they will directly upgrade to the HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Beta3 version.

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TapTechNews pure-blood Hongmeng version has been launched on HarmonyOS NEXT in April this year and has maintained a weekly update status. Basic functions such as news, comments, and communities have now been launched. Welcome everyone to search for TapTechNews to download and experience, or go to App Market Home Page > The Current Hot-Module of Worldly Concerns > The First > TapTechNews to click and download.

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