WeChat's Internal Test of 'Breaking News' Column in Subscription Account

TapTechNews August 5th news, according to Jianshi report, recently, WeChat has internally tested the 'Breaking News' column in its 'Subscription Account' function, and this column appears at the top position of the 'Subscription Account' column.

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'Breaking News' can actively push some breaking news to users, and generally the sources are the news from various major official media, and users can receive 'Breaking News' without having to follow these official media public accounts.

At present, this function is in gray-scale testing, and TapTechNews has not found relevant content temporarily through actual measurement. In addition, the report said that the position of this column is not always fixed at the top, and it may also appear in the information stream, and there is a close button on the upper right corner of the column.
