Google Introduces New Security Features for Android Device Theft Protection

TapTechNews May 16 news, Google announced the launch of a series of new features to protect users' devices and data security after losing or being stolen on Android phones, and help thwart attempts by thieves to resell devices or profit from device data.

Theft Detection Lock

Google will use AI to determine the phone usage scenario. If someone steals your phone and then tries to escape by running, cycling, or driving, the Android phone will automatically lock your phone when it detects this series of events, prohibiting access to all content on the phone.

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Offline Device Lock

After a user's phone is stolen, if this feature detects the device is disconnected from the network for a long time, or if there are many unsuccessful authentication attempts, it will automatically lock the device screen.

Remote Lock

If your phone has fallen into the hands of a bad person, this feature allows you to lock the phone screen with a phone number. After secure verification, you can operate from any device, meaning you don't need to remember your Google account password in an emergency.

Anti-theft protection

If an Android device needs to be reset to factory settings, it requires logging into a Google account. If others are unable to continue operation without your knowledge, it is difficult to erase your device and sell it.

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In addition, disabling Find My Device now requires password verification or biometrics.

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