Microsoft Transferring Xbox Games to Other Platforms, Codenamed 'Latitude'

TapTechNews May 16 news, foreign media WindowsCentral recently reported that Microsoft is currently transferring Xbox first-party games (including 'Halo' and other titles) to other platforms, with the internal codename 'Latitude'.

It is reported that Microsoft CEO Nadella 'does not like game exclusivity'. He is currently demanding that every department under Microsoft increase profits, and for the gaming department, Microsoft is planning to release more games on the Sony PS5 platform to boost sales, with reportedly no 'red lines' set.

TapTechNews noted that the foreign media did not specify what games Microsoft plans to release on the PS5 platform in the future, but stated that the recently released 'former Xbox/Windows exclusive game' 'Sea of Thieves' on the PS5 platform performed well. However, the foreign media also believes that this move by Microsoft will undermine user confidence in purchasing Xbox consoles, affecting the long-term development of the Xbox hardware business.
