Airbus Forecasts Double Growth in Global Commercial Aircraft in Next 20 Years

TapTechNews July 15th news, in the annual Global Market Outlook released today by Airbus, it is expected that the Chinese and Indian markets will become the main sources of growth in the aviation industry in the next 20 years, and the number of global commercial aircraft will double in the next 20 years.

Bob Lange (Bob Lange), the head of Airbus market analysis and forecasting, said: We see particularly strong growth in Asia and the Middle East, especially from India and China, among which domestic (aircraft) traffic (quantity) in China will exceed that in the United States.

The company expects that by 2043, there will be 48,230 aircraft globally (TapTechNews note: this data was 24,240 at the beginning of this year), including 42,430 new aircraft (including 41,490 passenger aircraft).

Approximately 45% of the new aircraft will be used to replace older, less fuel-efficient aircraft, and the delivery of new aircraft will help reduce emissions and develop more environmentally friendly fuels.

Among the 42,430 new aircraft, wide-body aircraft will account for 20% of the share, reaching 8,920; narrow-body aircraft (such as Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 series) will account for 80% of the share, reaching 33,510.

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Airbus also expects that the number of aircraft traffic will increase at a rate of about 8% per year in the next three years (to make up for the growth loss during the epidemic period), and from 2027, it will return to an annual growth rate of about 3.6%.
