NanaZip An Advanced Open-Source Compression Tool with Major Updates

TapTechNews May 23rd news, NanaZip is an open-source compression tool based on 7-Zip, with a simple and beautiful interface, and is adapted to the right-click menu of Win11.

The major version 3.0 update of NanaZip has now been officially released, and starting from this version, there will be two release versions provided, namely NanaZip and NanaZipClassic, while the packaging support for the 32-bit x86 system has been cancelled (the 32-bit Classic version is only for the portable version and does not support the right-click menu, but still retains the Win32 GUI and Win32 CLI).

NanaZip (GUI based on XAML, CLI based on VT and MSIX package)

Supported operating systems: Windows 10 version 2004 (Build 19041) or later

Supported platforms: x86 (64-bit) and ARM (64-bit)

NanaZipClassic (Win32 GUI and Win32 CLI)

Supported operating systems: Windows Vista RTM (Build 6000.16386) or later

Supported platforms: x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) and ARM (64-bit)

NanaZipCore (core library and self-extracting executable)

Supported operating systems: Windows Vista RTM (Build 6000.16386) or later

Supported platforms: x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) and ARM (64-bit)

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The developer said: From now on, NanaZip will no longer just be a simple 7-Zip branch. The relationship between NanaZip and 7-Zip is more like that between Chromium and WebKit. Most of the improvements provided by NanaZip in the future will not be merged into the 7-Zip main program by Igor Pavlov; however, NanaZip will continue to keep in sync with the latest 7-Zip mainline version. Therefore, the developer rewrote and split the code of the core library and the self-extracting executable, and thus maintained it as a separate NanaZip.Core project, and other NanaZip parts will also be modernized as soon as possible.

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In addition, the developer also said that he is trying to rewrite the modern 7-Zip plug-in development kit (SDK) in a pure C++/WinRT style in the future. Because Igor Pavlov makes a lot of changes every time a new version is released, he needs a more convenient way to develop plug-ins for 7-Zip and NanaZip.

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It is worth noting that NanaZip also provides a $99.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 725 yuan) sponsored version in-app purchase plug-in in the Microsoft Store to attract more sponsors and contributors (all free for users who have sponsored NanaZip before March 30, 2024, and source code contributors).

There is no functional difference between the sponsored version and the regular version. The only difference is that a "❤️Thank you for your sponsorship❤️" button will be displayed in the toolbar instead of the "☕Sponsor NanaZip☕" button in the regular version, similar to the administrator mode of Visual Studio.

Release Notes

NanaZip 3.0 and higher versions will provide two release versions

The 32-bit x86 support of the NanaZip packaging version has been removed

Nan aZip 3.0 and higher versions will provide the NanaZip sponsored version

NanaZip introduces pre-installation support

Inherits all functions of 7-Zip 24.05.


Supports the dark mode of all GUI graphical interfaces.

Supports the Mica material effect of the main window (can enjoy all full-window immersive Mica effects when the dark mode is enabled and HDR is disabled).

Uses MSIX packaging to provide a modern deployment experience.

Supports the right-click menu association of the Windows 10/11 File Explorer.

Compression format support

Supports NSIS script decompression (from the 7-Zip NSIS branch).

Provides 7-Zip execution aliases to help users migrate to NanaZip.

Supports Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard compression encodings (from the 7-Zip ZS branch).

Other features

Supports Per-Monitor DPI-Aware of all GUI components

Supports the i18n of the GUI version of the self-extracting executable file

Integrates the hash algorithm of RHash (AICH, BLAKE2b, BTIH, etc.) into NanaZip.

Integrates the hash algorithms of xxHash (XXH3_64bit, XXH3_128bit) and GmSSL (SM3).

Enables the control flow protection (CFG) for all target binaries to mitigate ROP attacks.

Marks all x86 and x64 target binaries as compatible with the control flow enforcement technology (CET) shadow stack.

Performs strict handle checks during runtime to avoid using invalid handles.

Disables the dynamic code generation ability in the release version to prevent the generation of malicious code during runtime.

Prevents loading unexpected libraries from remote sources during runtime.

Enables package integrity check.

Enables exception handling continuation metadata.

Enables signed return.

Supports the command-line version of NanaZip to disable subprocess creation.
