Google's Plan to Enhance Video Encoding on ARM64 Devices with Chromium

TapTechNews June 29th news, the tech media WindowsReport posted a blog yesterday (June 28th), and by mining the ChromiumCommit, found the proposal of EnableMediaFoundationAcceleratedEncodeOnArm64, which can optimize the video experience of the browser and improve the battery life of Windows on ARM devices.

Googles Plan to Enhance Video Encoding on ARM64 Devices with Chromium_0

TapTechNews note: The video encoding in Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge mainly depends on the CPU to complete.

The CPU encoding is effective but takes a long time, especially for high-resolution videos, and it also consumes more battery life.

Googles Plan to Enhance Video Encoding on ARM64 Devices with Chromium_1

According to Chromium's latest proposal, Google hopes to enable hardware-accelerated video encoding on ARM64 devices by using MediaFoundationTransforms (MFTs). By handing over the video tasks to the hardware device for processing, a more smooth playback effect can be achieved.

Google said: The previous CL has fixed most of the problems on Qualcomm hardware. The reason for the failure of the encoding rate control test on the current laboratory TryBot device is that the actual bitrate deviates from the allowable tolerance. These failures will not occur when running locally on the updated hardware.

If this proposal can take effect, it will bring the following benefits to ARM64 users:

Faster encoding: Video encoding may be faster, thereby reducing the waiting time after recording or editing in the Chrome browser.

Extended battery life: Hardware encoding is usually more efficient than software encoding on the CPU and can save battery power when processing videos.
