Xiaomi SU7 Car Emojis Launched on WeChat, Delivery Updates and More

TapTechNews June 29th news, according to the official Weibo of Xiaomi Automobile, the Xiaomi SU7 car emoji package was launched on the WeChat emoji store today, including a total of 16 emojis. Users can search for Xiaomi SU7 is coming in WeChat > I > Emoji > Search to add them.

Xiaomi SU7 Car Emojis Launched on WeChat, Delivery Updates and More_0

Xiaomi SU7 Car Emojis Launched on WeChat, Delivery Updates and More_1

According to TapTechNews' report yesterday, Xiaomi Automobile is currently launching the locked order waiting user care activity. Users with a waiting period of more than 3 months will receive gifts from Xiaomi Automobile irregularly.

Yesterday, it was also reported that the monthly delivery volume of the Xiaomi SU7 car exceeded 10,000 for the first time this month, and it will sprint to 120,000 units for the whole year. Xiaomi Automobile stated on June 14th that as of June 13th, the cumulative delivery of the Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 20,000 units.

Related Reading:

Xiaomi Automobile: Gifts are sent irregularly to users who have locked orders and waited for more than 3 months for SU7

It is reported that the monthly delivery volume of the Xiaomi SU7 car exceeds 10,000 for the first time this month, and it will sprint to 120,000 units for the whole year.
