World's First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry to Operate Commercially in the US

TapTechNews May 23rd news, the world's first commercial hydrogen fuel cell ferry - the SeaChange (SeaChange) has obtained permission from the US Coast Guard and can start commercial operation in the Bay Area.

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The marine shipping developer SWITCHMaritime obtained approval from the US Coast Guard last Friday, and its flagship hydrogen ferry SeaChange operates as a public ferry service.

SWITCH CEO Pace Ralli said: We are very grateful to the US Coast Guard and all partners for their support during the completion process. This is not the end, but just a starting point, and we will further improve the infrastructure.

TapTechNews note: The SeaChange ferry adopts the integrated hydrogen power system of ZeroEmissionIndustries, equipped with Cummins' 360kW hydrogen fuel cell and 100kWh XALT lithium-ion battery, providing power to the 600kW electric motor thruster of BAE Systems, and the only emissions are water vapor and heat.

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SWITCHMaritime said that it has currently obtained a COI, and the SeaChange, which can carry 75 passengers, will start commercial operation in June and be operated by the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) for a trial operation of six months.

