NIO's 800 Highway Battery Swap Stations and Its Expansions

TapTechNews May 20th news, NIO's official Weibo announced today that its cumulative highway battery swap stations have reached 800, covering 7 longitudinal and 6 lateral large metropolitan clusters and connecting over 700+ cities across the country. (1 kilometer = 0.6214 miles)

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According to NIO's official website, NIO has built 2420 battery swap stations, including 800 highway battery swap stations; 2260 supercharging stations with 10334 supercharging piles; 407 highway charging stations with 1638 charging piles; 1590 destination charging stations with 12166 charging piles, and has access to 1026731 third-party charging piles; the coverage rate of the 'Power Zone House' is 80.2%. (1 square meter = 10.764 square feet)

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TapTechNews previously reported that informed sources said that China FAW Group will join NIO's battery swap alliance. NIO has previously successively interconnected and cooperated with the charging networks of brands such as Geely Automobile Group, Jiyue, SAIC-GM, and Deep Blue, and has reached battery swap cooperation agreements with GAC, Changan, Geely, Chery, JAC, and Lotus Cars.

XPeng Motors Chairman He Xiaopeng once said that when NIO's battery swap stations exceed 5000, XPeng will seriously consider joining the battery swap ranks.
