Google's New Rule for App Account Deletion in Google Play Store

TapTechNews May 27th news, Google launched a new rule for Google Play Store apps last year, which applies to apps that allow the creation of app accounts. If an app allows users to create accounts, then in order to be listed on the Play store, developers must allow users to delete accounts within the app and through the web. Google had said that the Play store will display these data deletion methods in the app details by early next year, and currently this change has been launched for users.

According to AndroidAuthority, the Google Play Store has begun to display the account deletable logo in the Data Security section of the app details.

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Google's New Rule for App Account Deletion in Google Play Store_1

TapTechNews noticed that since December 2023, Google has been urging developers to include information about app account deletion in the app store details. Developers can apply for an extension until May 31, 2024, and after that applications that do not comply may face additional enforcement measures, such as being removed from the Google Play Store. Now that the data deletion logo has been launched and the deadline for enforcement is very close, so app developers should not get an extension anymore.

Google's data deletion policy stipulates that developers must provide data and account deletion options within the app and on the web. In this way, if a user uninstalls an app, they don't have to reinstall the app to request the deletion of data or account. And for developers who need to retain certain data for legitimate reasons (such as regulatory compliance), they need to disclose these data retention practices.
