Rumors in China False Information and Account Closures

TapTechNews May 27th news, according to the notice of the official account of Cyber China today, in recent months, some online accounts have speculated and fabricated public policies, fabricated unexpected incidents, and fabricated rumors in the field of social livelihood, which seriously misled the public's perception, triggered panic and worry among the masses, and disrupted social order.

The cyber management department has guided website platforms to continuously increase the intensity of monitoring and handling, and timely trace the source and close the rumor-initiating accounts. Since this year, a total of 10,859 illegal and compliant accounts have been dealt with. The cyber management department has notified some typical cases this time, and TapTechNews summarizes as follows:

The rumor of All social insurance funds in China are handed over to foreign institutions for management: Recently, there was a message on the Internet that the social insurance fund in China was almost all handed over to foreign institutions for management and was used for trading A-shares, questioning that the social insurance fund has become a tool for foreign arbitrage. After verifying with the relevant competent authorities through the China Internet Joint Rumor Refuting Platform, the relevant remarks are all false information. Accounts such as Lhq11 on the WeChat platform and There is no right or wrong, no high or low, only levels on the Xiaohongshu platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of The 'China Sky Eye' in Guizhou has become a 'dump': Some netizens released pictures, claiming that the 'Sky Eye' built in the mountains of Guizhou at a cost of 260 million US dollars has become a dump! In response, the official WeChat account of Guizhou Rumor Refuting stated that the relevant statement is a rumor, and the picture circulated on the Internet is actually the scene of the complete collapse of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the United States in December 2020. Accounts such as Xiaopi's stingy mom on the Baidu platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of 'Water diversion from Tibet to Xinjiang' project will officially start in September: Recently, a message that It's set! The 'Red Flag River Project of Water Diversion from Tibet to Xinjiang' will officially start on September 15 this year (2024)! circulated on the Internet. After verification by the Water Conservancy Bureau of Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, so far, no notice regarding the planning of the Water Diversion from Tibet to Xinjiang project has been received from the superior relevant departments, and it reminds netizens that all posts announcing various investment projects under the guise of the Water Diversion from Tibet to Xinjiang project are false information. Accounts such as User 9396481275128 on the Douyin platform and The Future Is Promising 60195 on the Kuaishou platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of A single hospitalization cannot exceed 15 days, otherwise medical insurance cannot be reimbursed: In response to the rumor that a single hospitalization exceeds 15 days and medical insurance cannot be reimbursed that appeared on the Internet, the relevant person in charge of the National Medical Insurance Administration said that the national medical insurance department has never issued a restrictive regulation such as no more than 15 days for a single hospitalization. Accounts such as qgdx2021 on the Douyin platform and Hearsay on the Weibo platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of Dozens of people died and thousands went missing due to floods in Qinghai area: Recently, some netizens spread the information that dozens of people died and thousands went missing due to floods in the Qinghai area. After verification by the local public sec urity organ, this information is purely fabricated, and the rumor-maker has been administratively punished in accordance with the law. Accounts such as Nan Ling Nan on the Weibo platform and Dream Come True 86464 on the Kuaishou platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of There is a wind turbine on fire in Karamay, Xinjiang with a loss of tens of millions: Some netizens released a video, stating that there was a sudden wind turbine on fire in Karamay, Xinjiang, with a loss of tens of millions. After verification by the Karamay City Fire Rescue Detachment, the video content is false information, and no wind turbine fire incident has occurred in the city recently. Accounts such as Wind Power Guy on the Douyin platform and Name 140322 on the Kuaishou platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of Two deaths and one injury due to a road administration chase of an online car-hailing vehicle in Xi'an: Recently, a video about There is an unlicensed online car-hailing vehicle being chased by the road administration department in Huaqing Road, Xi'an, resulting in two deaths and one injury circulated on the Internet. After verification by the local public security organ, the real situation of the video is that the staff of the local comprehensive administrative law enforcement branch are rescuing the trapped people in a traffic accident, and the rumor-maker has been administratively detained in accordance with the law. Accounts such as Limited Edition Plain Boiled Water on the Douyin and Return to Zero on the Kuaishou have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of Someone is armed and committing crimes at the Daxingong Palace subway station in Nanjing: There is a message on the Internet that Someone is armed and committing crimes at the Daxingong Palace subway station and The police are already on the subway to catch, which has aroused great concern and worry among the vast number of netizens. After verification by the Nanjing Internet Rumor Refuting Platform with the Nanjing Public Security and Nanjing Metro, no relevant police situation has been received, and this information is a rumor. Accounts such as tsuki_desu_ on the Weibo platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.

The rumor of 'Physical examination artifact' can pass with just one sip: There appear information about nitrogen pump products such as Special for physical tests, run faster and Sprint for physical tests, one step ahead on the Internet, claiming that it can help students taking physical tests improve their sports performance. According to the investigation by Xinhua News Agency, taking such products during the physical test does not have a great help in improving the performance, but more of a psychological comfort effect, and taking an overdose may have adverse reactions, which will have a negative impact on the physical test results and physical health. Accounts such as A-Good Night Track and Field (High Quality) on the Kuaishou platform have been closed in accordance with the law and agreement.
