Apple Integrates ChatGPT into iOS18 Siri for Enhanced AI Capabilities

TapTechNews July 9th news, at the WWDC2024 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple announced that Siri, the voice assistant in the iOS18 system, will integrate ChatGPT to assist users in completing various AI tasks.

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Siri will determine if the query is helpful to forward to ChatGPT and ask if sharing is allowed. Users can ask questions related to text, documents, photos, PDFs, etc.

TapTechNews citing 9to5Mac reports, a brief summary of the information is as follows:

How to integrate ChatGPT support for Siri in the iOS18 system

Apple's iOS18 system natively integrates ChatGPT, and users no longer need to download other apps or content when using Siri.

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There is no setting process for ChatGPT at all. Before Siri accesses the AI service, there is no need to create or log in to an OpenAI account.

ChatGPT will answer questions that Siri can't

In Apple's WWDC demonstration, the term World Knowledge was mentioned many times, indicating that ChatGPT can answer questions that Siri can't, while Siri is better at handling Personal Knowledge, such as calendars, messages, and reminder items, etc.

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Currently, when Siri encounters an unanswered question, it often invokes web search and prompts the user: I found these on the web:, and after integrating ChatGPT, the GPT-4o model can be invoked to answer the user's question.

ChatGPT can draft text and create images according to instructions

One of the functions of Siri in iOS18 is to use ChatGPT to generate text, create images, etc.

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Siri in iOS18 can't draft an email for you from scratch, nor can the built-in AppleIntelligence writing tool, but the user can use ChatGPT to complete this task.

Whether it's sending an email, message, or writing a new article, the user can make requests to ChatGPT to start writing from scratch.

Protect your data privacy

In the WWDC keynote speech, Craig Federighi, the executive president of Apple, promised that after iOS18 integrates ChatGPT, it will not record the user's requests and information.

This means that OpenAI cannot string together your various requests to build a profile, nor can it sell this data to third parties.

Require explicit permission for each application

Another privacy protection key point of Apple's integration of ChatGPT is that when the user makes a request to Siri to access ChatGPT, the user's explicit permission must be obtained.

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When the user uses ChatGPT, they will see a notification clearly informing them that the relevant data will be transmitted to ChatGPT, and an explicit permission request will pop up for each application, and there may be a large number of permission verification pop-ups.

Log in to an existing ChatGPT account

Siri in iOS18 also supports logging in to an existing ChatGPT account if you wish all such activities to be associated with OpenAI.

If you are a ChatGPT Plus user, Siri can use the additional features provided by this plan.

iOS18's Siri: The ultimate AI aggregator

ChatGPT will not replace Siri, but a supplement to Siri. Previously, it was reported that in addition to OpenAI's ChatGPT, Siri will also access Google's Gemini in the future and eventually become an AI aggregator, allowing users to freely choose the AI chatbot they like.

Related reading:

Apple partners with OpenAI to jointly explore AI, and iOS18 Siri will integrate ChatGPT
