IM Motors' L6 Adds New Max Long-Range European Version

TapTechNews May 24th, IM Motors' L6 car officially announced the addition of the Max long-range European version today, with an equity price of $32,900, and this version will also be the global car configuration for going overseas to Europe.

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The second sedan of IM Motors, the L6, was released on May 13th. At that time, 5 versions were launched. TapTechNews summarizes as follows:

L6 Max standard version: 400 miles/400V/zero to 60 mph in 5.6 seconds, $31,500 (listed equity price $28,500).

L6 Max long-range version: 440 miles/800V/zero to 60 mph in 4.6 seconds, $37,500 (listed equity price $34,500).

L6 Max ultra-long-range version: 525 miles/approx. 900V/zero to 60 mph in 4.6 seconds, $39,500 (listed equity price $36,500).

L6 Max super-performance version: 485 miles/4-wheel drive/approx. 900V/zero to 60 mph in 2.74 seconds, $44,000 (listed equity price $41,000).

L6 Max light-year version: over 620 miles/4-wheel drive/approx. 900V, $50,000 (listed equity price $47,000).

From the price point of view, the newly added Max long-range European version is the second-lowest configuration version, with a retail price of $35,500 and a listed equity price of $32,900. The range is the same as the original Max long-range version (440 miles), and the 800V supercharging is also retained. It cannot be optionally equipped with an air suspension and a dynamic damping adjustment system. The leather seat is changed from a standard configuration to an $1150 option, which is $1850 cheaper.

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