SpaceX's Raptor Rocket Engine Test Ends in Explosion

TapTechNews May 24th news, according to the live broadcast screen shared by NASASpaceflight, during SpaceX's test of the Raptor rocket engine (the engine used by the company's next-generation Starship rocket) on Thursday this week, a rocket exploded, with a blaze of fire and thick smoke on the scene.

SpaceX's Raptor Rocket Engine Test Ends in Explosion_0

SpaceX conducted a ground test of the Raptor rocket engine in McGregor, Texas, USA on Thursday this week. SpaceX did not provide the latest situation of the explosion. Since the personnel maintained a safe distance from the test site, the explosion is unlikely to cause casualties or more serious consequences. TapTechNews attaches the relevant video as follows:

SpaceX uses the facilities in McGregor to conduct pre-flight tests on the Merlin and Raptor engines, and the former will be used for the company's main rocket Falcon 9.

The first-stage super heavy booster of the Starship is equipped with 33 Raptor engines, which can generate a huge thrust of 17 million pounds at launch, making it the most powerful rocket ever.
