DJI Neo Drone to Feature Voice Control for the First Time

TapTechNews August 13th news, the tech media techradar released a blog post yesterday (August 12th), reporting that the dj i Neo drone will for the first time support voice control function, but the specific details are not yet clear.

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The source stipsVEVO posted on the Reddit community (as of the TapTechNews release, this post has been deleted), sharing the promotional poster page of the dj i Neo. In addition to AI subject tracking and 4K video in terms of selling points, it also supports voice control.

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The dj i is expected to release the Neo drone on August 20th, and more details are expected to be announced then. The source believes that the addition of the voice control function by dj i is beneficial to beginners, allowing them to control the takeoff and landing of the drone with voice, but it should not use voice to manage the actual flight of the drone.

The promotional poster also shows that the battery life is 18 minutes, which is slightly longer than the previously estimated time of 15-16 minutes.

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Related readings:

The dj i Neo drone is re-exposed: 135 grams, supports AI visual tracking and 4K video recording, and is estimated to be released at the end of this month.

Can be put in the pocket, the dj i mini foldable drone Neo is exposed: the estimated weight is 169 grams.

The dj i Neo 4K drone is exposed: only 135 grams and has a propeller guard.
