Details of MetaQuest3S Head-Mounted Display Design, Specs, and Potential Price

TapTechNews August 13th news, the source @Lunayian exposed on the X platform yesterday, sharing more details of the MetaQuest3S head-mounted display.

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According to the exposed promotional materials, one of the design highlights of the MetaQuest3S head-mounted display is that the front is equipped with a triangular-shaped camera/sensor layout. It is reported that in these two triangles, there are two 4-megapixel RGB see-through cameras, four infrared (IR) tracking cameras, and two infrared illumination sensors for depth sensing.

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From the exposed promotional pictures, it can also be seen that the MetaQuest3S head-mounted display is equipped with an operation button. The source said that to switch the visual Passthrough, users can also customize it to other functions.


In terms of specifications, the MetaQuest3S head-mounted display uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Gen2 chip like its predecessor. The screen is slightly reduced, using 1832x1920 (20 PPD pixels per degree) fast-switching LCD with a refresh rate of 90/120 Hz, and uses a Fresnel lens with a 3-bit interpupillary distance adjustment function and a gasket for glasses.

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At present, the price information of the MetaQuest3S head-mounted display is not yet clear, but the source said that the product price will be less than 300 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 2153 RMB yuan), and currently the Quest3 is priced at 465 US dollars on Amazon (currently about 3337 RMB yuan).
