Increasing Number of US Schools Banning Smartphones in Class

TapTechNews August 13th news, more and more schools in the US are beginning to ban students from using smartphones in class and calling on the federal government to issue a unified ban to replace the scattered regulations in various states currently. California, where Apple's headquarters is located, is expected to be the next state to implement relevant smartphone bans.

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Approximately a quarter of the countries around the world have already implemented smartphone bans or restrictive measures. A survey last year showed that 73% of Americans support banning the use of smartphones in schools, while only 21% oppose.

The main reasons for supporting the smartphone ban include enhancing learning effectiveness, reducing classroom distractions, and protecting students from cyberbullying. Currently, in the US, four states such as Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, and South Carolina have implemented or are promoting smartphone bans.

The specific policies vary. Some schools allow students to use their phones during breaks, while stricter regulations require students to put their phones in lockers or other safe places until after school to retrieve them. Among them, Orlando, Florida has taken the toughest measure, banning students from using smartphones throughout the day and blocking social media through the campus Wi-Fi.

The New York Times reports that other states are also formulating relevant plans. Pennsylvania recently allocated millions of dollars to purchase lockable phone pouches, and Delaware allocated $250,000 to test lockable phone pouches.

TapTechNews noticed that Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order last month, requiring state government agencies to formulate no-phone educational policies and procedures for schools to implement next year. New laws in Minnesota and Ohio require schools to formulate policies restricting the use of mobile phones next year.

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently expressed support for implementing a smartphone ban in California, and New York Governor Kathy Hochul also promised to implement a ban statewide next year.

A survey conducted by the National Parents Union in the US shows that 70% of parents support the smartphone ban, but most people think it should be limited to classroom time and allow students to use their phones during lunch and official breaks.
