The need for increased copper mining for automotive electrification

TapTechNews June 5th news, according to the latest report released by the International Energy Forum (IEF), in the next 30 years, the full electrification of automobiles requires increasing the intensity of copper mining, The current copper supply is insufficient to meet the current development trend.

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The report points out that if we cannot find new ways at this stage to meet the demand for copper metal, it will slow down the process of automotive electrification and bring other more serious supply problems.

The IEF pointed out in the report that copper metal is required in scenarios such as power generation, power transmission and power storage, and copper plays a crucial role in the future development of mankind.

From a certain point of view, electrification will shape the future, and the speed of electrification will depend on the supply of copper and the demand under the current climate policy.

The International Environment Fund's document predicted the copper supply and demand situation from 2018 to 2050 and placed the two in the historical context of copper mine production for analysis. The organization said that if it develops according to the existing trend, the global copper mine production will need to increase by 115% in the next 30 years to meet the needs of various industries around the world, and the copper mine will need to increase by 55% to meet the growth demand of global electric vehicles.

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The International Environment Fund pointed out that in the long run, it is necessary to encourage the exploration and development of copper mines, and both the United States and the European Union should strive to expand'responsible' mining activities on their respective continents. Exploring copper mines located deep underground requires advanced technology, and a large amount of 'land' must be provided for these exploration works. Marine mining should also be considered.

According to the data of the IEF, the amount of copper required for the production of hybrid vehicles (29 kilograms) is only slightly higher than that of internal combustion engine vehicles (24 kilograms), while the production of battery-based electric vehicles requires 60 kilograms.

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