Fudan University to Launch Dozens of AI Courses in New Academic Year

TapTechNews, June 5. TapTechNews learned from Fudan University that starting from this autumn semester, Fudan University will launch at least 100 courses in the field of AI (officially known as "AI mega-courses") in the 2024-2025 academic year, accelerating the construction of a scientific and intelligent innovation ecosystem and opening up a new situation in the cultivation of AI+ convergent and innovative talents.

Fudan University stated that by the end of next autumn semester through one academic year's effort, Fudan will achieve "three 100% penetrations" - AI courses covering all undergraduates and postgraduates, AI+ education covering all first-level disciplines, and AI literacy and competence requirements covering all majors.

The AI mega-courses of Fudan will create an "AI-BEST" curriculum system, based on the characteristics of the development of artificial intelligence and the "portrait" of the demand for AI and AI+ talent training in the "popularization circle", "core circle" and "advanced circle" of the whole university. The following courses will be created in an integrated manner for undergraduates and postgraduates:

AI general basic courses (AI-BasicCourses, abbreviated as AI-B): General core courses and general specialized courses focusing on AI mathematical foundation and programming training, application tool training and scene development, and AI ethics education. For all students in the university, new AI general core courses and general specialized courses will be constructed, and a large throughput of courses will be guaranteed.

AI professional core courses (AI-EssentialCourses, abbreviated as AI-E): Focusing on the core areas of the artificial intelligence discipline, it is a professional course presenting the basic and common knowledge systems and core technologies of related disciplines starting from the bottom logic. A unified professional training system and curriculum system for AI in the whole university will be built to lay the foundation for building a future-oriented AI professional and AI+ education system for the whole university.

AI disciplinary advanced courses (AI-SubjectCourses, abbreviated as AI-S): AI+X courses growing out of liberal arts, social sciences, science and technology, engineering, medicine and interdisciplinary fields, combining AI technology with the core knowledge of the discipline to open AI courses with disciplinary characteristics. At the same time, cross-disciplinary advanced courses will be built by leading the cross-disciplinary integration of AI+ with curriculum construction.

AI vertical field application courses (AI-ThematicCourses, abbreviated as AI-T): Based on various professional fields and centered around specific AI application scenarios in social and economic development and industry, fully integrating curriculum construction with industry-education integration and science-education integration. AI-T1 (industry-education integrated courses) aims at the market and focuses on practical training and practice, developing courses and organizing teaching around scientific and intelligent convergent and innovative projects and industrial issues. AI-T2 (science-education integrated courses) encourages departments and teachers with vertical field research and application needs to develop courses around various application scenarios and specific problems in AI enabling scientific research and technology R&D.

According to the introduction, Nobel laureate Prof. Michael Levitt will lecture on how AI serves science by focusing on protein structure modeling; a professor from the School of Philosophy will lecture on AI ethics course; Prof. Qiu Xipeng, the designer of last year's first open-source large model MOSS, will lead students in the AI general course to go deep into the forefront of the new AI wave.
