Rapidus Wafer Factory Project Update

TapTechNews May 21, the president of the Japanese advanced process foundry Rapidus, Atsuyoshi Koike, said to the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kenta Saito, the day before yesterday that the construction of the Rapidus wafer factory project was going smoothly, and the progress of the first trial production line has reached 30%.

Kenta Saito visited Chitose City, Hokkaido on the 19th of this month and inspected the construction site of Rapidus' IIL-M wafer factory.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, Rapidus plans to achieve the overall completion of the wafer factory in the first quarter of 2025, realize the commissioning of the trial production line in April of the same year, and enter the stage of large-scale mass production of the 2nm process in 2027.

Kenta Saito said that the success or failure of the Rapidus wafer factory project will be of great significance to the future of the Japanese economy.

The local officials accompanying Kenta Saito's inspection pointed out that it is equally important to build a series of living and industrial supporting facilities for the Rapidus wafer factory. The Japanese central and local governments have begun to improve the construction of roads and sewers around the wafer factory.

So far, Rapidus has successively received two batches of subsidies from the Japanese government, with a total amount of up to 920 billion yen (about 42.688 billion yuan at present). Kenta Saito told reporters after the inspection that will consider increasing support (for Rapidus) as the situation requires.
