China's Charging Pile Market in 2024 Rapid Growth and Challenges to Overcome

TapTechNews June 30, according to the report released by Cui Dongshu of the China Passenger Car Association, the national charging pile market in May was analyzed.

TapTechNews learned from the report that the number of public charging piles in May 2024 increased by 72,900 compared to the previous month, reaching 3.05 million, which was 23% faster than the increase in the same period last year; the cumulative annual increase of public charging piles was 320,000, with a year-on-year growth rate of 13%.

The number of private charging piles increased by 238,000 compared to the previous month, reaching 9.92 million, which was faster than the 206,000 in May 2023; the cumulative annual increase of private charging piles was 1 million, with a year-on-year growth rate of 17%.

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The charging volume of public charging piles was 414,000 kWh, which increased better than the 274,000 kWh in the same period, and the average monthly charging of a single pile was 1,358 kWh, basically the same as last year.

It is introduced that charging piles are subdivided into DC piles (fast charging) and AC piles (slow charging). Among them, DC charging piles are usually built in places such as expressway service areas and buses, so the number is relatively small, accounting for about 20%.

While AC charging piles have a relatively lower unit price and are relatively easier to install. In addition to public AC charging piles, they are usually privately owned (private piles), and the number is large and widely distributed, accounting for more than 80%.

Cui Dongshu said that in recent years, China's charging infrastructure has developed rapidly, and has built the world's largest, widest service range, and most complete variety of charging infrastructure systems. According to the calculation of 1 public pile = 3 private piles, the pure electric vehicle pile ratio of the incremental market in China in 2024 has reached 1:1, leading the level of several times that of other countries in the world.

However, there are still some problems such as insufficient layout, unreasonable structure, outdated technology of old charging piles, unbalanced service, and unregulated operation of the current charging infrastructure. As a result, the regret rate of electric vehicle buyers in some low-level regions has increased somewhat. The relevant departments and social companies should jointly adjust and improve the charging infrastructure system and update the charging piles in time to meet the needs of the people..
