Baidu Apollo Unveils World's First Large Model for Autonomous Driving at Apollo Day 2024

TapTechNews users thank me for submitting clues about Tai Xichuang's old stories! TapTechNews reported on May 15th that Baidu Apollo today held Apollo Day 2024 at the Baidu Luobo Run Car Robot Intelligent Driving Valley in Wuhan, announcing the world's first large model supporting L4 level autonomous driving Apollo ADFM (Autonomous Driving Foundation Model). Baidu said that Apollo ADFM, based on large model technology, reconstructs autonomous driving, can take into account the safety and generalization of technology, achieves safety more than 10 times higher than human drivers, and realizes city-level coverage of complex scenes. With the application practice of automatic driving on a large model, Baidu Luobo Run has overcome the complex road scenes in Wuhan, achieving city-wide, all-time and space scene coverage in Wuhan. At the same time, in the L2+ intelligent driving field, the country's only pure visual urban navigation assisted driving product ANP3 will also fully apply the automatic driving large model Apollo ADFM, upgrade to ASD (Apollo Self-Driving), and will be mass-produced first in all models of Ji Yue, leading the way Smart driving can be done nationwide, and anywhere with Baidu Maps can be driven. Baidu said that autonomous driving is safer than human driving. As of April, Baidu Apollo's autonomous driving mileage has exceeded 100 million kilometers, but no major accidents have occurred. Baidu Apollo purchases 5 million insurance for each unmanned vehicle and passenger. The data from the past two years shows that the actual vehicle accident rate is only 1/14 of human drivers. According to TapTechNews earlier today, at the Apollo Day 2024 conference, Baidu Apollo also launched its sixth generation unmanned vehicle - Yichi 06, priced at 20.46 million yuan, with the first batch delivered to Luobo Run 1000 units.
