Dongfeng Nissan Changzhou Factory to Shut Down

TapTechNews Jun 24th news, according to Shell Finance, Dongfeng Nissan has responded to the shutdown of Dongfeng Nissan Changzhou factory, stating that based on overall strategy and changes in the business environment, Dongfeng Nissan is optimizing and adjusting internal production capacity and resources to better adapt to enterprise transformation and development. While ensuring the production capacity of existing fuel vehicle models, Dongfeng Nissan is increasing the layout and investment in the production line for new energy vehicle models.

It is reported that the production capacity of Dongfeng Nissan Changzhou factory is about 130,000 units, which was taken over around 2017 and also undertook some tasks of government-enterprise production capacity adjustment at that time. This factory mainly produces the Qashqai model. In recent years, the production capacity utilization rate has not been high. On November 18, 2020, the first car of this factory officially rolled off the assembly line. However, in just less than 4 years, Nissan's latest factory in China has announced its shutdown.

Dongfeng Nissan said that about 300 related employees in the factory have all been properly resettled, including local job transfer and layoff compensation.

TapTechNews attached the previous context summary:

Recently, some Japanese media reported that Nissan Motor has announced the formal closure of its passenger car factory in Changzhou, Jiangsu. A Nissan spokesperson said that the factory jointly operated by Nissan and its partner in Changzhou, Dongfeng Motor, has停产 and the factory mainly produces the Qashqai SUV with an annual output of about 130,000 units. Nissan's total production in China is 1.6 million units, of which Changzhou factory accounts for 8% of its production.

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Related reading:

The production has been less than 4 years, and Nissan has announced to close the Changzhou factory in China.
