Hacker Group NullBulge Leaks 1.1 Tebibytes of Disney's Sensitive Data

TapTechNews July 14th news, the hacker group NullBulge announced that it had invaded the internal Slack infrastructure of Disney and leaked 1.2 terabytes (1.1 tebibytes) of sensitive data, including internal messages and document information of nearly 10,000 channels.

Hacker Group NullBulge Leaks 1.1 Tebibytes of Disneys Sensitive Data_0

The hacker group posted on the BreachForums forum on July 12th, saying:

1.1 tebibytes of data. Transferred nearly 10,000 channels, all possible information and files. There are also unpublished projects, original pictures and codes, some login information, internal API/web links, etc.! Please filter freely, there are a lot of things inside.

Hacker Group NullBulge Leaks 1.1 Tebibytes of Disneys Sensitive Data_1

According to the news of an unnamed source quoted by foreign media StackDiary, the leaked files include:

Employee names, email addresses and even home address information

More than 50,000 different images

Hundreds of PDF and Excel documents including those showing the internal network structure of Disney's operation

The financial data of Disney+ and Hulu and other streaming services

Internal login URLs, API access points, project source codes, system logs

Project plans and discussions about various ongoing projects

TapTechNews noted that Disney has not publicly responded to this yet.
