China-Europe Freight Trains See Steady Growth in 2024

TapTechNews August 12th news, according to the China Railway news, from January to July this year, the China-Europe freight trains have cumulatively operated 11,403 trains and sent 1.226 million TEUs of goods, increasing by 12% and 11% respectively year-on-year. Among them, 1,776 trains were operated in July, sending 185,000 TEUs of goods, and the monthly operation exceeded 1,700 trains for three consecutive months.

China-Europe Freight Trains See Steady Growth in 2024_0

The China-Europe freight train is organized by the China Railway Corporation and operates according to a fixed train number, route, schedule and the whole journey running time. It is a railway international combined transport train such as containers running between China and Europe and the countries jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative.

China-Europe Freight Trains See Steady Growth in 2024_1

Up to now, the China-Europe freight train has reached 224 cities in 25 European countries and connected more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries, and the service network basically covers the entire Eurasian region. The annual transport value of the China-Europe freight train has increased from 8 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 57.404 billion yuan) in 2016 to 56.7 billion US dollars (currently about 406.851 billion yuan) in 2023.
