AI Threatening Creative Jobs in the US

TapTechNews June 27 - AI is like a Damocles sword that is threatening more and more creative jobs. Mira Murati, the CTO of OpenAI, said in an interview at Dartmouth College Thayer School of Engineering last month: Some creative positions may disappear. But maybe they shouldn't have existed in the first place - if the quality of the produced content is not very high.

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The CTO of OpenAI said: I'm not an economist, but I do expect that many jobs will change. Some jobs will disappear and some new jobs will be created.

This OpenAI executive forsees that AI will automate repetitive works and tasks, and creative jobs are also at risk. Using AI to create songs, write articles or generate fine artworks has now become effortless, although the quality standard may be in question.

TapTechNews noted that Elon Musk recently shared his prediction for the future that AI will take over all jobs and make work a hobby. Similarly, Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, also said that we are on the verge of welcoming the next wave of AI, and self-driving cars and humanoid robots will be at the forefront.

The latest Work Trend Index report from Microsoft shows that most recruiters will not hire anyone without AI skills. This prompts people to enhance their skills in the AI field in order to keep their jobs, resulting in the number of LinkedIn members adding AI skills such as Copilot and ChatGPT to their profiles increasing by 142 times. Surprisingly, some executives publicly expressed concerns that the company cannot find suitable talents to fill vacancies, contrary to the common belief that AI will take people's jobs.

Another report said that the banking industry may be the next target of AI, and about 54% of jobs may be automated. Jensen Huang also claims that coding as a career choice is already at risk and suggests that people look for other ways out, such as switching to the fields of biology, education, manufacturing, or agriculture.
