Meta plans to reduce vice president positions to streamline

TapTechNews June 13 - According to BusinessInsider, three people familiar with the matter revealed that Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, hopes to streamline the company's size by reducing the number of vice president positions.

According to one of the insiders, the number of Meta's vice presidents reached a peak last year, with approximately 300 vice presidents. This number has increased compared to about 180 in previous years.

The person added that although several vice presidents left the company on the eve of the second wave of large-scale layoffs last year, Zuckerberg hopes to reduce the total number of Meta's vice presidents to close to 250. "The overall goal remains to reduce middle and senior staff and increase the number of junior staff," the person said. "Meta is starting to become top-heavy again."

According to Statista, as of the end of 2023, Meta's number of employees was 67,317, down from 86,482 at the end of 2022. This marks the first time in the company's history that there has been a year-on-year decrease in the number of employees.

Zuckerberg once said, "A leaner organization will execute its top priorities faster and people will be more productive in their work, and their jobs will also be more interesting and fulfilling."

As TapTechNews previously reported, after laying off 11,000 people in November 2022, Meta announced plans to lay off another 10,000 people in March 2023. The company also said that it would freeze the recruitment of another 5,000 vacant positions.

The 11,000 layoffs announced in November 2022 accounted for 13% of Meta's then total number of employees and was its first large-scale layoff in history.
