Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Canary 26236 with Hidden Functions

On June 13, TapTechNews reported that Microsoft today released the Windows 11 Canary 26236 insider test version. In the update log, except for the controversial Start Menu's "Account Manager", there seemed to be no highlights. However,细心 users found some hidden functions, including the updated settings related to artificial intelligence and new features of the Recall function.

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TapTechNews noticed that the controversial AI function "Recall" in Win 11 24H2迎来了 a new feature - web search. Now, users can directly select words or phrases on the current screenshot and search for relevant information through the default browser.

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In addition, the developer Alexander S discovered that a new page was added to the "Privacy and Security" section of the Settings app. Users can manage the access rights of generative AI on this page and view the records of generative AI requests in the past 7 days to better control privacy and system behavior.

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However, experiencing these hidden functions requires a bit of "black technology". Users can use the ViVeTool tool and follow these steps to enable these hidden functions:

Download ViVeTool from GitHub and extract the file.

Run the Command Prompt as an administrator and use the "CD" command to navigate to the extracted folder. For example, if you extracted ViVeTool to C:\Vive, type "CDC:\Vive".

Enter "vivetool/enable/id:50566956" and press Enter to enable the web search function of "Recall".

Enter "vivetool/enable/id:51407079" and press Enter to enable the new privacy setting page.

Restart the computer.

It should be noted that Microsoft recently suspended the push of Win 11 version 24H2, and the reason is not yet clear. However, Microsoft said it will resume the push in a few weeks.
