SpaceX's Starship Prepares for Fourth Test Flight

TapTechNews May 17th news, SpaceX company today tweeted through its official account, indicating that it has placed Starship 29 on top of SuperHeavy Booster 11 and may conduct the fourth test flight in the next 3 to 5 weeks.

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SpaceX plans to conduct various tests on the rocket in the coming days, including a comprehensive Wet Dress Rehearsal, during which it will be fully fueled and all ground systems tested to minimize problems encountered at launch.

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SpaceX is still waiting for the Federal Aviation Administration to issue a launch license. TapTechNews previously reported that Musk estimated that SpaceX's Starship would conduct the fourth test flight in about 3 to 5 weeks.

Starship 29 has currently completed two static firings, and the 33 Raptor engines of Booster 11 have completed one static firing. SpaceX may conduct a spin firing or even a static firing test when these two rockets are stacked together.

After these tests are completed, SpaceX may dismantle the stack of these two rockets and may transport them back to the production base for final preparations.

SpaceX's Starship has previously conducted three test flight activities.

In the first test flight, the Starship failed to separate from its first-stage booster and began to roll, and SpaceX detonated the rocket less than four minutes after liftoff.

In the second test flight, the Starship successfully separated from the SuperHeavy Booster about 2 minutes and 40 seconds after flight, but the SuperHeavy Booster then had a huge explosion in the air.

In the third test flight, which was held on March 14 Beijing time, the test rocket was launched from the Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas, flying higher and faster than the previous two times and also reaching orbital speed for the first time.
