Smartphone Market in Southeast Asia in 2024 Growth and Brand Shares

TapTechNews May 24th news, the latest data from market research firm Canalys shows that in the first quarter of 2024, the smartphone market in Southeast Asia increased by 12% year-on-year to 23.5 million units, but the shipment volume is still far lower than the level before 2023.

Smartphone Market in Southeast Asia in 2024 Growth and Brand Shares_0

TapTechNews attached the market shares of each brand:

Samsung shipped 4.5 million units, occupying 19% of the market share, a year-on-year decline of 20%;

Transsion shipped 4.2 million units, occupying 18% of the market share, with a year-on-year increase of 197%;

Xiaomi shipped 3.8 million units, occupying 16% of the market share, a year-on-year increase of 52%;

OPPO shipped 3.8 million units, occupying 16% of the market share, a year-on-year decline of 5%;

Vivo shipped 2.8 million units, occupying 12% of the market share, a year-on-year increase of 12%;

Other brands shipped 4.4 million units, occupying 19% of the market share, a year-on-year decline of 10%.

In terms of Chinese brands, Canalys analyst Sheng Win Chow said:

Transsion firmly ranked second with an 18% market share and a 197% annual growth rate. During Ramadan, Transsion cooperated with mobile game companies to launch co-branded products and received good responses among young people. Transsion successfully attracted this market segment by providing affordable high-performance gaming devices. Both Xiaomi and OPPO have a 16% market share in this region, but their development trajectories are very different. Xiaomi increased by 52% year-on-year, while OPPO decreased by 5%. Xiaomi promoted its growth through a highly competitive product portfolio, including entry-level devices such as the Redmi Ax and Cx series, as well as powerful mid-range devices such as the Note series. Vivo occupied 12% of the market share, with a shipment volume of 2.8 million units, an increase of 12% year-on-year. Vivo ensured its market share through the drive of volume products such as the Y17s and focused on developing the mid-to-high-end market through the Y100 and V series.

Canalys predicts that the smartphone shipment volume in Southeast Asia will increase by 4% in 2024. Although there was a 12% rebound in the market in the first quarter of 2024, most of the growth occurred in price-sensitive markets such as Indonesia and the Philippines. In the long term, the outlook for the Southeast Asian market is optimistic. The young population and the increasingly prevalent digital financial services strongly promote the growth of consumption, which will stimulate the market's demand for high-end devices.
