
Changan Automobile's June and First-Half Sales Data with Performance of Each Brand

Changan Automobile's June sales and 1-6 months data, including performance of different brands. Sales volume shows increases and decreases.

OLED Displays See Surge in Mobile PC Market Demand

The demand for OLED displays in the mobile PC market is expected to grow significantly. Brands are adopting, and industry is responding.

Smartphone Market in Southeast Asia in 2024 Growth and Brand Shares

In 2024, the Southeast Asian smartphone market grew by 12%, with various brands' shares detailed. Chinese brands performed differently. Forecast for 2024 shipment growth and market outlook.

Shenzhen Consumer Council Signs Self-Regulation Convention with Leading Brands in Shared Power Bank Industry

Shenzhen Consumer Council reports progress on self-regulation convention in the shared power bank industry with leading brands committing to better services and pricing transparency.