Micron Loses Patent Lawsuit to Netlist, Faces $445M Compensation

TapTechNews May 24th news, according to Reuters, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas recently ruled that Micron lost in the patent lawsuit with the US storage company Netlist, and the overall compensation amount reached 445 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 3.226 billion Chinese yuan).

This case started in 2022, when Netlist accused Micron of infringing on the patents related to the storage chip capacity improvement technology held by Netlist on its three storage production lines.

The jurors of the district court this time determined that Micron indeed infringed two patents in the storage field of Netlist, and needed to pay 425 million US dollars and 20 million US dollars in compensation respectively.

The jurors also believed that Micron carried out intentional infringement, which may lead the judge to further increase the compensation amount.

Netlist has had patent disputes with all three major storage giants.

SK Hynix said in April 2021 that it had reached a new patent cross-licensing agreement with Netlist after the dispute, and SK Hynix needed to pay about 40 million US dollars in patent royalties.

The US district court ruled in April 2023 that Samsung Electronics needed to compensate Netlist 303 million US dollars for patent infringement, but the patents involved in this lawsuit have been successively declared invalid, and Samsung Electronics does not need to pay this compensation.

Netlist said on the 20th of this month that the jury of the Federal District Court in the Central District of California recently ruled and determined that Samsung Electronics seriously violated the joint development and licensing agreement signed in 2015, and revoked Samsung Electronics' patent license.
