Toshiba Announces Completion of 300mm Wafer Power Semiconductor Plant

TapTechNews May 24th news, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Toshiba) announced in an announcement on May 23rd, announcing the completion of its 300mm wafer power semiconductor manufacturing plant and office building.

Toshiba Announces Completion of 300mm Wafer Power Semiconductor Plant_0

Toshiba stated in the press release that it is currently installing relevant equipment and striving to start mass production in the second half of fiscal year 2024. Once the first phase of the project is fully operational, the capacity of Toshiba's power semiconductors (mainly MOSFET and IGBT) will be 2.5 times that when the investment plan was formulated in fiscal year 2021, and the second phase construction and start of operation will be decided according to the market situation.

The new manufacturing building follows Toshiba's Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and will make a significant contribution to Toshiba's Business Continuity Plan (BCP): it has a seismic isolation structure that absorbs the shock of earthquakes and redundant power supplies.

TapTechNews quoted the official press release, and the energy from renewable energy and solar panels on the roofs of buildings (on-site PPA model) will enable the facility to meet 100% of the power demand through renewable energy.
