Ministry of Education launches 'Standard Management Year' action for basic education with focus on rectification

Thank you TapTechNews netizen Shiyuan Rimei for the happy clue delivery! TapTechNews reported on May 14th that according to the official website of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice on the launch of the 'Standard Management Year' action for basic education, which clarifies the 'three key points of standardized rectification' and the 'twelve negative lists.' The focus is on key standard rectification around three issues: safety bottom line breaches, daily management disorder, and teacher ethics and style misconduct. Of the twelve negative lists, the eleventh is 'Schools are strictly prohibited from using textbooks or teaching aids in violation of regulations, or forcing or inducing students to purchase books, electronic products, teaching materials, stationery, etc. through designated channels.' The twelfth is 'Schools are strictly prohibited from violating fee management regulations, arbitrarily increasing fee items, raising fee standards, expanding fee scopes, withholding, occupation, or diverting various subsidies and aid funds given to students, etc.' The Ministry of Education stated that education administrative departments at all levels will increase the punishment for school behaviors that violate the negative list regulations and touch the bottom line and red line, and strictly hold accountable in accordance with the law and regulations. Education administrative departments at higher levels will supervise and hold accountable education administrative departments that disregard school violations, are negligent, or lack effectiveness in handling them.
