Gravity Company's DEAPTrees Charging Solution in New York

TapTechNews May 23rd news, Gravity Company has been approved to build 24 charging stations with a power of 500 kilowatts on the roadside near Times Square in the central area of Manhattan, New York. The official calls it the DEAPTrees roadside charging solution.

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The DEAPTrees roadside charging solution uses a Level 3 DC fast charger, which is a relatively big improvement. Currently, roadside charging in the US is limited to Level 2 speed.

With the 200-kilowatt charger of DEAPTrees, these DEAPTrees can increase the cruising range of 200 miles (TapTechNews note: about 321.87 kilometers) in 13 minutes; with the 500-kilowatt charger, the time can be further shortened to 5 minutes. The company said that it can provide 1000 volts without the need for any power upgrade.

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These chargers are located on the sidewalk and have a hinged rocker arm with a cable on it. When charging starts, the cable rotates downward. The charger is installed on top of the utility pole. The swing arm is located higher up because it bears the weight of the thick high-voltage cable, and electric vehicle owners don't have to struggle to move it. TapTechNews attaches the demonstration diagram as follows:

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