Chinese Online Game Licenses in June 2024

TapTechNews on June 25, it was reported that today, the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China announced the approval information of domestic online games in June 2024. In addition, the General Administration of Press and Publication also updated the information on game approval changes in 2024.

TapTechNews noticed that a total of 104 games received licenses this time, among which relatively well-known games included Tencent's , Alibaba Lingxi's , Zhongqingbao's , , , Leiting's , , ,三七互娱's , Chuangyanshengzhong's , 4399's , and Migu's and so on.

PC games include , , , , ,

In terms of license changes, it mainly includes the addition of the mobile side in , and the name change of to and so on.

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