Thinness Redefined China's Ultrathin Glass Breakthrough

TapTechNews September 15th news, the CCTV Finance 915 Gala held tonight introduced the ultrathin glass of a great national instrument as thin as a cicada's wing - with a thickness of only 0.0012 inches.

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TapTechNews learned from the report that in a highly confidential workshop, Chinese scientists are conducting an ultimate challenge, aiming to develop flexible display glass, which is necessary for the popular foldable phone screens in the market. Through multiple advanced processes, the glass is thinned to one-seventh of its original thickness, and the final thickness is only 0.0012 inches. This breakthrough once again breaks the international monopoly and enables China to take the leading position in the global glass material field.

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The research and development and production of ultrathin glass vividly demonstrates the achievements of China's high-quality development. It realizes the leap from scratch to existence of high-end electronic glass in China, and brings the large-scale manufacturing of glass materials in our country into the micron era. Professor Zhang Chong, a member of the national outstanding engineer team, said at the 915 Gala that if this super glass is applied to the foldable phone screen, if the screen is bent a hundred times a day, the service life of the foldable phone will exceed 20 years.
