Apple M4 Enables 'Genshin Impact' to Exceed 100 FPS, Outperforms Predecessors

TapTechNews May 17th news, YouTuber @DameTech tested and found that Apple M4 is the first mobile chip to break the 100 FPS mark in 'Genshin Impact'.

DameTech measured that after running for 30 minutes, Apple M4 can maintain a frame rate of 113.6 FPS, which is 26.22% higher than the M2 around 90 FPS. Compared to M1, M4 is about 45.49% higher; compared to A17Pro, M4 is a whopping 92.16% higher.

Apple M4 Enables 'Genshin Impact' to Exceed 100 FPS, Outperforms Predecessors_0

TapTechNews here needs to remind that the resolutions of the two generations of iPadPro are actually slightly different. The rendering resolution of the M4 model is 1668p, which is higher than the 1638p resolution of the previous generation of iPadPro.

In addition, although the M4 iPadPro uses the latest N3E process, its operating temperature (39 degrees Celsius) is still higher than that of the M2 model (36 degrees Celsius).

It is worth mentioning that when Apple released the new iPadPro, it once mentioned that both the 11-inch and 13-inch tablets have adopted a new copper Apple logo, thereby achieving a 20% overall heat dissipation performance improvement. Here, because it needs to run 'Genshin Impact' at a frame rate of more than 100 FPS, the power consumption of the M4 model is likely to be higher than that of the M2, resulting in a higher operating temperature. Unfortunately, this YouTuber did not provide information in this regard, so we cannot study this.
