China's Intelligent Automobile Basic Software Ecosystem Conference and Auto Chip Summit

TapTechNews Jun 21st news, the First China (Chongqing) Intelligent Automobile Basic Software Ecosystem Conference and the Third China Auto Chip Summit Forum were held on June 17th and 18th, and Gouping, a member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, delivered a speech.

According to Gouping, in the first five months of this year, China Electronics Technology Group, China Electronics Corporation, China Resources Group, and China CRRC Corporation sold a total of 235 million automotive chips, and the three state-owned automotive enterprises (FAW, Dongfeng, and Chang'an) used a total of 132 million domestic automotive chips.

Gouping said that currently, intelligent connected new energy vehicles have become the most important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry, and the enlargement effect of automotive technology software and automotive chips has become increasingly prominent. To develop intelligent connected new energy vehicles, both Chinese software and Chinese chips are indispensable, and state-owned enterprises have an unshirkable responsibility.

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Gouping also pointed out that in the future, efforts will be further strengthened in key core technology research and industrialization in the fields of automotive technology, software, and automotive chips; the basic automotive software technology system will be accelerated to be conquered, and the key technology supply capacity will be enhanced; by taking the creation of an original technology source as the starting point, the research and development intensity of the next-generation high computing power chips and advanced sensors will be increased, and the development of new productive forces will be accelerated, seizing the dominant right in competition.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, in March this year, Zhang Yupu, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, once said that the development of state-owned automotive enterprises in new energy vehicles is not fast enough, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will adjust policies and conduct separate evaluations of the new energy vehicle business of the three central automotive enterprises.

In addition, the 2024 goals previously announced by the three state-owned automotive enterprises are as follows:

FAW Group: The goal for 2024 is that the sales volume of self-owned brands must reach 900,000 vehicles and strive for 1 million vehicles, and the sales volume of self-owned and joint-venture new energy vehicles will reach 500,000 vehicles;

Chang'an Automobile: In 2024, it will冲刺 the sales target of 2.8 million vehicles, and a total of over 30 new energy products will be launched by 2028;

Dongfeng Automobile: In 2024, it will strive to reach the sales target of 3.2 million vehicles, through cooperation with Huawei, the two sides will launch products that meet the differentiated needs of customers.
