Douyin and Stephen Chow to Release 'Golden Pig Jade Leaf' on June 2nd

TapTechNews May 30th news, Douyin officially announced that the first micro-drama Golden Pig Jade Leaf Season 1, jointly developed and operated with Stephen Chow, will be launched on June 2nd.

TapTechNews friends who are familiar with Stephen Chow's movies should all know the '9527' meme in his movies. In the movie Flirting Scholar, the number of the servant that Stephen Chow's Tang Bohu poses as in the华府 (a rich family) is '9527'.

Douyin and Stephen Chow to Release 'Golden Pig Jade Leaf' on June 2nd_0

There are 24 episodes in the first season of Golden Pig Jade Leaf, and each episode lasts about 5 minutes. The drama is set against the background of an online fraud case and tells the story of:

Intern lawyer Ye Xiaolai and the anchor Zhu Hao uncover the truth of the 'pig-killing plate' fraud, save Ye Xiaohui, the elder sister, and find their own career path. A series of experiences of the male and female protagonists during the 'chasing the murderer' journey string together small-person stories full of human true feelings, showing the vicissitudes of life in a humorous and bantering way. Golden Pig Jade Leaf discusses various social issues such as the 'pig-killing plate' and workplace injustice. The depiction of pursuing justice and punishing the 'pig-killing plate' in the drama also gives more practical significance to the story.

According to the introduction, Golden Pig Jade Leaf incorporates comedy elements such as the Northeastern dialect and talk shows. Director Yi Xiaoxing said that this micro-drama contains suspense, love, comedy, and even thriller, action, and even a little science fiction in some places. There are different highlights in each episode, and there is also a complete main line.

Douyin and Stephen Chow to Release 'Golden Pig Jade Leaf' on June 2nd_1

The poster shows that Stephen Chow is the producer of this drama. There are many details paying tribute to Stephen Chow buried in the drama, such as the poster of Kung Fu Hustle on the wall of the male protagonist's room, and some thriller clips refer to the music and camera language of Return of the Dead. The director of the drama, Ma Shi, said that there could be more than 100 tributes found in the 24 episodes.

Golden Pig Jade Leaf will be launched on Douyin on June 2nd and will be updated with four episodes weekly on the Douyin account of the '9527 Theater'.
